Autism is a disorder that is usually first diagnosed in early childhood. Children with autism might have problems talking with you, or they might not look you in the eye when you talk to them. They may have to line up their pencils before they can pay attention, or they may say the same sentence again and again to calm themselves down. They may flap their arms to tell you they are happy, or they might hurt themselves to tell you they are not. Some people with autism never learn how to talk.
Autism is a complex developmental disability that typically appears during the first three years of life and affects a person's ability to communicate and interact with others. Autism is defined by a certain set of behaviors and is a "spectrum disorder" that affects individuals differently and to varying degrees. There is no known single cause for autism, but increased awareness and funding can help families today.
What Causes Autism?
The bottom line is, no one really knows for sure what causes autism. Most experts will say that autism is probably caused by a combination of genetic and environmental factors. Even those experts, though, do not have a definite answer. For many people, this uncertainty is terribly frustrating. On the plus side, interest in and funding for autism research is on the rise, so new and better information should be forthcoming in the next months and years.
Autism Symptoms
Autism is a condition surrounded by myth and generalizations about people with autism that are rarely appropriate. The common beliefs that people with autism never express emotion, never smile or laugh, never make eye contact, never talk, and never display affection are simply that--myths. Just as every person is unique, with his or her own personality and characteristics, every person with autism manifests the disorder in his or her unique way.
Other signs of the disorder in infants include the following:
Appears indifferent to surroundings
Appears content to be alone, happier to play alone
Displays lack of interest in toys
Displays lack of response to others
Call Your Doctor If:
Your infant or child resists cuddling and doesn't respond to his or her environment or to other people.
By about the age of 1 year, your child is not pointing to objects, bringing items to you or engaging in simple interactions such as "peek-a-boo."
How is autism diagnosed?
There is no lab test that can detect autism. Autism is often diagnosed when a baby or toddler doesn't behave as expected for his or her age. If your doctor thinks your child has autism, he or she will probably suggest that your child see a child psychiatrist or other specialist. The specialist will probably test your child to see if he or she shows signs of autism.
What's the treatment?
There is no specific cure or particular medical treatment for autism, but much can be done to maximise a child's potential and this is key to managing the condition. Appropriate specialist education, speech, language and behavioural therapy are all important. There are many different approaches, some of which are based around theories about possible causes of autistic spectrum disorders (for example, the Son-Rise programme).
By: Peter Hutch
Autism is a complex developmental disability that typically appears during the first three years of life and affects a person's ability to communicate and interact with others. Autism is defined by a certain set of behaviors and is a "spectrum disorder" that affects individuals differently and to varying degrees. There is no known single cause for autism, but increased awareness and funding can help families today.
What Causes Autism?
The bottom line is, no one really knows for sure what causes autism. Most experts will say that autism is probably caused by a combination of genetic and environmental factors. Even those experts, though, do not have a definite answer. For many people, this uncertainty is terribly frustrating. On the plus side, interest in and funding for autism research is on the rise, so new and better information should be forthcoming in the next months and years.
Autism Symptoms
Autism is a condition surrounded by myth and generalizations about people with autism that are rarely appropriate. The common beliefs that people with autism never express emotion, never smile or laugh, never make eye contact, never talk, and never display affection are simply that--myths. Just as every person is unique, with his or her own personality and characteristics, every person with autism manifests the disorder in his or her unique way.
Other signs of the disorder in infants include the following:
Appears indifferent to surroundings
Appears content to be alone, happier to play alone
Displays lack of interest in toys
Displays lack of response to others
Call Your Doctor If:
Your infant or child resists cuddling and doesn't respond to his or her environment or to other people.
By about the age of 1 year, your child is not pointing to objects, bringing items to you or engaging in simple interactions such as "peek-a-boo."
How is autism diagnosed?
There is no lab test that can detect autism. Autism is often diagnosed when a baby or toddler doesn't behave as expected for his or her age. If your doctor thinks your child has autism, he or she will probably suggest that your child see a child psychiatrist or other specialist. The specialist will probably test your child to see if he or she shows signs of autism.
What's the treatment?
There is no specific cure or particular medical treatment for autism, but much can be done to maximise a child's potential and this is key to managing the condition. Appropriate specialist education, speech, language and behavioural therapy are all important. There are many different approaches, some of which are based around theories about possible causes of autistic spectrum disorders (for example, the Son-Rise programme).
By: Peter Hutch
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